5 Podcast rocking creativity

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Today I want to introduce you to my top favorite podcasts. They rock creativity and will surely bring tons of inspiration to your creative life. You may already know some of them. Probably all of them! Because their great content has already positioned some of them as the best of their category. Nevertheless, I hope this post lets you discover at least one new person or maybe helps you to reconnect with them. Now open your podcast provider, and don't forget to subscribe to each one of them. Enjoy!

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Design Life is a podcast with honest conversations about the creative world, design, and side projects. Charli Prangley and Femke Van Schoonhoven "borrow us their shoes" to help us understand different situations in the creative world. Their stories are so intimate and close to our innovative skin that you can often assume they are talking to you in a very personal way and telling your own story.

I love and appreciate how they honor the concept of "side projects" and give a new value to our significant creative activities. It is worth it for us to spend some time just for the pleasure of feeding our creative life: fantastic advice, entertainment, and inspiration moments. You also should know there is no place for taboo-creative-topics here!

Where to find it?

Podcast: https://designlife.fm/archive/

Social Networks: Twitter


In this beautiful podcast, Andy J. Miller, better known as Andy J. Pizza, is your host. He is passionate about creativity (and pizza) and uses this passion and some of his precious time to share his wise advice with the creative world. Using a pencil sword as a weapon, Andy J. Pizza opens the path to an inspirational world, which makes you question the Status Quo and motivates you to overcome the obstacles in your creative way.

After hearing at the emotional show, you will realize how contagious his positivity is, and you will discover yourself with a smile and, from time to time, with a couple of tears in your eyes.

With outstanding guests from different creative areas, Andy provides the right condiments for this creative pizza that "tastes like Jazz."

Where to find it?

Podcast: http://www.creativepeptalk.com/

Social Networks: Instagram, Twitter


This girl is a badass when it comes to creativity! Mallory Whitfield gives a thought to the different aspects of the creative world and shares them with you. Sometimes, she does it in the company of amazing guests. This show is perfect for discovering beautiful references that will rock your creative work, from creative business to social media.

One of the program's highlights always comes at the end when Mallory comes to her "quick-fire questions," asking her badass guests about their interests, inspiration sources, and advice. This section frequently turns into an honest conversation, revealing the human side of extraordinary creative minds.

Where to find it?

Podcast: https://www.badasscreatives.com/podcast/

Social Networks: Instagram, Twitter


If you know who Catherine Guidry is, you may be thinking this is a Podcast about photography. Let me tell you that you are entirely wrong! Mistakes Make Magic is a show embracing imperfection. Catherine brings the taboo side of the creative world to light. You will find yourself giving a second thought to what you previously believed about imperfection in her conversations.

Sometimes she will tell you about her valuable experiences in her creative business. Other times, you will hear her in a deep, inspirational, and occasionally funny conversation with other creatives who also have priceless advice to share.

As a result, you will become conscious about how much life is provided by mistakes to every creative project.

Where to find it?

Podcast: http://catherineguidry.com/mistakes-make-magic-landing-page

Social Networks: Instagram


If you are looking for some positivity to start your day, you have to know Kat Molesworth and her inspirational "Blogtacular Podcast." Here you will hear interviews from experimented, creative and passionate people who make creativity their everyday. Each new episode is like a conversation with a new friend, who, in most cases, is worth following in their social media networks. 

Kat masterly directed the interviews, and you will also share her wise advice with you.  You also should know that Blogtacular is just one piece of a much bigger creative package which includes a blog and conferences that you can also follow on their internet site.

Where to find it?

Podcast: http://blogtacular.com/podcast/

Social Networks: Instagram, Twitter

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Daniel Chimal

The world in lines & colors!


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